Our Payroll Services includes the administration of all payroll processing for your employees including detailed time card entry and tracking, direct deposit and/or check stuffing, payroll tax deposits, quarterly returns, annual reporting including W2’s/W3, DE7 and FUTA reconciliations and all government requirements. As long as the business has funds available and no equipment failures, Build4Success will accept all responsibility for performing all requirements based on the government rules and guidelines. Any penalties acquired due to Build4Success, Inc. not performing their duties in a timely manner will be the full burden of Build4Success, Inc.
If you are new to payroll the following will assist in understanding your liabilities and responsibilities.
All payroll and payroll liabilities are based on a Calendar Year End – January to December, no matter what your business year end may be.
All businesses must have a predetermined payroll work period and a predetermined pay date, i.e. weekly, monthly, etc. Establishing a time-line for time card completion to entry to receipt of payment to employee is imperative up front. Once this is established it will take approximately 2 days to process your payroll prior to your check date and possibly 2 more days if your bank requires this time for direct deposit.
All businesses offering employee benefit plans such as health, dental or pension deductions are required to forward these funds under the same regulations set forth for the payroll taxes. It is unlawful to deduct funds from an employees check and forward to the appropriate organization in the required time frame.
Payroll Taxes and Tax Reporting have proven to be the most consistent down fall of most businesses. Monies are withheld from the employee’s checks each pay period and as an employer also have monies accumulating each pay period. There are strict guidelines set forth by the Internal Revenue Service and the Employment Development Department on forwarding these funds to them, based on your gross tax liability.
Our recommendation is to forward these payroll taxes to the appropriate government entity after each payroll processing, as the funds can accumulate quickly and may be a cash flow strain at the end of the month.
Call or email us to ask about how Build4Success can help move your business into the growth zone!